Saturday, 31 May 2014


Gear up for the World No Tobacco Day !!!

Join us for the Sticker Campaign @ Besant Nagar beach from 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm!!!

Together We Can Make A Difference!!

World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) programme held at Rotary Nagar, near Light House on 30.05.2014.
The major highlights of the programme was Street theatre, villupaatu by Rotary Nagar children spreading awareness on ill-effects about tobacco.
The programme was followed by a palm printing campaign !!!!

Friday, 23 May 2014

World No Tobacco Day 2014

World No Tobacco Day 2014 

Hey Friends..
9 more days to go for World No tobacco Day..

Lets Quit Smoking Before Smoking Quits Us.

Free Oral Screening Camp

Free Oral Screening Camp for Mechanic workers at Kilpauk garden on May 17th 2014

Oral Cancer screening camp was conducted today (17.05.2014) for Mechanic workers. Nearly 50 workers were screened. Students from Saveetha Dental college attended the programme

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

"I Quit Force" - Campaign

For World No Tobacco Day 2014, we are calling on to join " I QUIT FORCE CAMPAIGN ".
"I Quit Force" - Campaign
Tobacco Facts: 
  • Every day, more than 1,200 people in this country die due to smoking. For each of those deaths, at least two youth or young adults become regular smokers each day. Almost 90% of those replacement smokers smoke their first cigarette by age 18.
  • There could be 3 million fewer young smokers today if success in reducing youth tobacco use that was made between 1997 and 2003 had been sustained.
  • Rates of smokeless tobacco use are no longer declining, and they appear to be increasing among some groups.
  • Cigars, especially cigarette-sized cigars, are popular with youth. One out of five high school males smokes cigars, and cigar use appears to be increasing among other groups.
  • Use of multiple tobacco products—including cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco—is common among young people.
  • Prevention efforts must focus on young adults ages 18 through 25, too. Almost no one starts smoking after age 25. Nearly 9 out of 10 smokers started smoking by age 18, and 99% started by age 26. Progression from occasional to daily smoking almost always occurs by age 26.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults

 Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults

Youth are vulnerable to social and environmental influences to use tobacco; messages and images that make tobacco use appealing to them are everywhere.
  • Young people want to fit in with their peers. Images in tobacco marketing make tobacco use look appealing to this age group.
  • Youth and young adults see smoking in their social circles, movies they watch, video games they play, websites they visit, and many communities where they live. Smoking is often portrayed as a social norm, and young people exposed to these images are more likely to smoke.
  • Youth identify with peers they see as social leaders and may imitate their behavior; those whose friends or siblings smoke are more likely to smoke.
  • Youth who are exposed to images of smoking in movies are more likely to smoke. Those who get the most exposure to onscreen smoking are about twice as likely to begin smoking as those who get the least exposure

 BE a Fighter!! Put Down the Lighter !! 

For World No Tobacco Day 2014, we are calling on to join " I QUIT FORCE CAMPAIGN ".


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

" I Quit Force Campaign"

Tobacco facts

Tobacco use is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced.
  • There are more than one billion smokers in the world.
  • Globally, use of tobacco products is increasing, although it is decreasing in high-income countries.
  • Almost half of the world's children breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke.
  • The epidemic is shifting to the developing world.
  • More than 80% of the world's smokers live in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Tobacco use kills 5.4 million people a year - an average of one person every six seconds - and accounts for one in 10 adult deaths worldwide.
  • Tobacco kills up to half of all users.
  • It is a risk factor for six of the eight leading causes of deaths in the world.
Because there is a lag of several years between when people start using tobacco and when their health suffers, the epidemic of disease and death has just begun.
  • 100 million deaths were caused by tobacco in the 20th century. If current trends continue, there will be up to one billion deaths in the 21st century.
  • Unchecked, tobacco-related deaths will increase to more than eight million a year by 2030, and 80% of those deaths will occur in the developing world.
Source: Tobacco Free Initiative WHO

For World No Tobacco Day 2014, we are calling on to join " I QUIT FORCE CAMPAIGN ".

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

World No Tobacco Day

The global tobacco epidemic kills nearly 6 million people each year, of which more than 600 000 are non-smokers dying from breathing second-hand smoke. Unless we act, the epidemic will kill more than 8 million people every year by 2030. More than 80% of these preventable deaths will be among people living in low-and middle-income countries.
                                                                                      source: Tobacco Free Initiative-WHO

For World No Tobacco Day 2014, we are calling on to join " I QUIT FORCE CAMPAIGN ".